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    We bought the land in July 2010 and put a driveway in and fenced it into five paddocks. Then bought an old farmhouse and relocated it to the property. We have done most of the inside also put a new roof on.

    In December 2011 we started getting the odd camper coming looking for somewhere to stay. They told us the stories of freedom camping and the $200 finds (which are now $500 in Clutha area) they were getting. So the idea was born to create an affordable basic Campsite on our property.

    We put a $10 sign up at the roadside.

    The re-doing of the house has gone on hold and all the money we get, we put back into the campsite to improve it for the next campers.

    We have planted loads of apple trees and pear trees cherry and when they start producing fruit they are FREE for our campers

    We got our recourse consent 28 December 2012.
    The big thing for people is the FREE WiFi and we must thank for this they have been so good in making sure we have a good continues s connection for the campers.

    20/08/2014 We have just put an office on with a washing machine coffee machine fridge with cold drinks

    4/08/15    We are now putting in 2 new showers and 2 new toilets.


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